by Anja Robanke | Feb 13, 2022 | Journey, Update, Work and Travel
I have been looking forward to sharing my travel dreams for the next trip. The trip goes over east on, and I have for several years wanted to explore some more of Europe where I have not been before. It will be a more extended trip than the others. If all goes well,...
by Anja Robanke | Jan 18, 2022 | Equipment
I love gear, and so do they at TJ Camper. So we have stuffed well with things on Hugo so that it all gives me a good life on the road. #advertisingcollaboration Since November 13th, I have had the pleasure of driving around Hugo. I have entered into a lease agreement...
by Anja Robanke | Dec 23, 2021 | Update, Update, YouTube, YouTube
Then we are here again .. Christmas is here again. And I am lucky to have it with my lovely family here on Funen. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with too much Christmas food in your stomach. I am very much looking forward to duck and gravy 🙂 And here I have...
by Anja Robanke | Nov 21, 2021 | Work, Denmark, Photograpy, Media coverage, Me, TV
In the summer of 2020, I was at home in Denmark due to corona. Tor Løkken followed Frans Ritter and me one day, while I drove around Bumle for a week in Lille Vildmose ???? It was quite nice to look back on with good memories, but puhaaa I speak the Funen … haha...
by Anja Robanke | Nov 3, 2021 | Denmark, I met someone
Monday went to a Thomas Boesdal lecture about wolves in Denmark at the ‘Naturhistorisk Museum’ in Aarhus. The whole lecture was about a very serious topic – the wolf! And about how difficult the wolf has it in Denmark. Thomas is the father of 4, a...