Children’s book author
Anja on adventures
I have written the books based on real experiences I have had with my old Land Rover Thorleif in Iceland. I tell about how I sold everything and moved into my motorhome, Bumle and about how I travelled around Europe. Along the way, I met animals, exciting people and magnificent and beautiful nature.
Depending on the level of reading, they are written for children of approx. 7-8 years with Lixtal 10. The books can also be used for reading aloud.
You will also be able to find books such as e-books and audiobooks on various platforms.
Books are published by the publisher Tellerup and illustrator Thomas Friis Pedersen have drawn me, my cars and the nature around me so fantastic.
The 3 books

On a trip to Iceland
Anja takes the ferry to Iceland in her Land Rover. She sees a lot of nature and meets many animals. Both foxes, whales, birds and seals. She drives up to a large volcano. But then the car breaks down.

On a trip with Bumle
Anja’s big dream is to travel always. So she buys Bumle – a home on wheels. She sells everything and moves into Bumle. Anja drives down through Europe. But then it’s a storm.

On a trip to Spain
Anja is still driving around Europe. She meets Eva. Eva travels around just like Anja. One morning Eva gets scared. There’s something in her car. Anja and Eva want to find out what it is.
If you want to buy them, send me an email at
Three fine books for the novice readers who are inquisitive and want to know something about other countries and about traveling.
Lecturer’s statement
I’ve got a really nice opinion from the librarians on my books. I have chosen to show these statements.
A lecturer statement is a review of a book written by librarians for the libraries. It is a guide that aims to support the quality of the choice of material in the libraries. An associate professor’s opinion is written according to a set of special guidelines.
There are no other books for beginner readers where adults tell about their travels in the same way.
New book series for future adventurers
The children’s books about “Anja på adventurer” are based on Anja Robanke’s own travel adventures with the motorhome Bumle.
By Lars Milbæk
In the three children’s books so far published in the series “Anja på adventurer”, we follow the main character on her journey down through Europe in the Bumle motorhome. The books are aimed at children at 1st – 2nd-grade level.
And it is not small things that the travel-loving Anja experiences on her trips. We are taken to Slovenia, Iceland and Spain, where she visits exciting places and meets interesting people. It is particularly Anja’s experiences in nature that are described.
But traveling is not always cake. In Iceland she gets violently seasick on a sailing trip, on the journey south in the Bumle motorhome she experiences strangers trying to get into the van in the middle of the night, and in Spain her camping toilet leaks.