I’ve been blowing up, and I wanted to tell you this great news! Now finally I can tell you about it!
I signed the contract yesterday! I have to be a children’s book author at Telleup!
I have to write books ala these, I show in the picture below.

The books will be about “Anja on an adventure” – where I will write about the travels I have already been on – both with my old Land Rover, Thorleif and with Bumle, my old motorhome.
It will be so much fun to see myself illustrated along with a lot of my experiences along the way ????
I enjoy myself SO much. We do not quite know yet when they will be released. But believe me, you are not in doubt when it happens ???? I am happy happy happy !!
May you all have an insanely delicious Sunday.
Rolling and adventurous
Greetings Anja
Feel free to follow me on social media
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