Last I was there 2 days and it was not enough. So I decided to spend a week in nature with Bumle and some animals while working
Bumle and I had a super beautiful week with good and quiet weather :- Having the life I have where I can drive to where I feel like while I can take my work with me is really happiness. I LOVE it!
I started by driving down into the Lille Vildmose Center and having a chat with them. The first pictures I took were actually of these yellow flowers next to the center that just called me.
In the evening, I participated in their Thursday bus ride into Tofte forest, where you see ancient forest, wild deer and wild boar. As I was sitting in the middle of the bus I did not get as many pictures, but we saw many boars and deers.

Here are some mixed iPhone pictures. We left the bus 2 times to go for a smaller ride.
1st time it was to see the old trees and 2nd time it was to look out over the whole bog, eg. from their new tower that is 17 meters high 🙂
The boars at the Lille Vildmose Center
Two days in a row I had the great pleasure of getting really close to the wild boars and their young ones. I sat and lay in the grass and photographed them and I was nice high of adrenalin and smiled probably forever afterwards 🙂 How were they dear and the sound they had when they ate 🙂
View one evening over Tofte Skov mose

Beautiful morning
Some mornings are just magical and here is one of them. The sun rises, I am completely alone, the bog scent, and a light that gives a chill. I’m so glad I got to have this experience. That a crane was about to fly into my setup was an extra gift 🙂

I’ve never photographed an owl before, so two mornings in a row I was out to meet this Night Owl youngster. Whether it was the same both days, I won’t promise when I heard there were going to be 2 there.
The foxes
Something I had been really looking forward to was getting back to the fox cubs. I’ve been able to follow in a Facebook group how much they had grown. So it was nice to come back to them.
The cranes
Unfortunately, I only saw them far away, but I saw them and with a young one. Then the better pictures may come another good time 😉
Birds of prey
There is something raw and special about the birds of prey. And they are so hard to photograph. I got MANY pictures, where afterwards I only had small black dots on the picture. So here are a few of them. I have put them up in collages so that they show a little more 🙂
And here I was a little lucky…. there I got a reed hawk closer after sitting for a long time waiting and hoping it came over towards me while it was hunting.
The moose
I didn’t see the moose for the first many days .. 4 days actually. But when I think about it, I had the focus elsewhere. BUT it succeeded and actually got 3 experiences over 3 days.
The last morning before driving, I got this experience all alone with him here. He was so nice.
This is the first time in my life I experience it… I could hear it so close and luckily it was so hot that the passenger window was open so I could just get a few pictures and a video ????
Behind the scenes
It’s always fun to get some pictures ‘Behind the scenes’
This is my primary photographic setup with my Canon 5D3 with my Canon 100-400 mm. And as something new, I photographed with clips clapping at the foxes when it was very hot ????
Frans and I had an experience where fox mom came all the way over to my toes and sniffed a bit. Here Frans has just said “lie completely still,” – so I “stiffen” and sense only she is there. That’s why it’s so cool to get such a picture afterwards where you can see the whole scene in it ☀️

Photographer: Benny Krogsgaard Frandsen
A fun experience
One night I was out driving with Henriette from the center, and she suddenly said, “There is a fox,” and it went along the car (we drove off in 2 gears down along Ny Høstmarksvej)
It was suddenly away, and I gently jump out of the car and could see it was on the way away, then I say to Henriette:
“It’s going away… No, now it stops…. No, now it sucks damn… not it looks at me… and now it licks its mouth ”????
We were done laughing because in every sentence there was such a surprise in my voice ????
So even though the picture is in such poor resolution, I love it because it’s a great memory from that night ????

A little mixed
Besides all the other animals, I also experienced such little things in the days that went up there ☀️
I think it’s so wonderful that we have a place like Lille Vildmose, where nature and the animals have more space. Where to look a bit for the animals, but still have a great chance to see and photograph them ????
Work and travel
I can not say enough how much I love having my home, my workplace with me. How easy it is for me to get such experiences up close for several days at a time. Below you can see how some days I enjoyed lying up in the alcove and working on my stomach while I could lie and look out over the bog tall grasses and look for moose while I worked ???? Other times at the table, sometimes with water or field prospects. I’m a fan of my life :-)))))
If you want to go there yourself, and would like to know a little more, then just look at their website – And can recommend to stop by and have a chat with them .. they are very nice!
All in all, you can say I experienced a bit of everything over the days ☀️ I remember at least I slept really well and well afterwards, as the days have been long with getting up early and late to bed. But I was saturated in a wonderfully natural way?
For camper people and overnight
Then there is a free space you can find via CamperContact close by. As well as there is a campground quite close too. They are not allowed to park inside the marsh.

Happy summer out there ????
Greetings from