Adventure in the Malibu: Two weeks on the road

by | May 5, 2024 | Journey, Norge

Two weeks have passed like a cloud before the sun since our Nordic adventure began. It is as if time passes at a different pace when you are in the midst of nature. We began our journey with a magical ferry ride from Helsingør to Helsinfors and suddenly found ourselves on Swedish soil.

A fantastic start

Our first night in Sweden was pure balm for the soul after a hectic period in Denmark. The weather was enchanting with a sunset picturesquely reflected in the water. We took long walks, soaking up every moment. It turned out to be more than a day, during which we let ourselves be immersed in the beauty of nature before we got behind the wheel again.

There is fire

In Norway, an unexpected experience awaited us with a large fire drill in collaboration with the civil defence. Cars and emergency vehicles filled the area, while the coordination was impressive. The fires breaking out in the forest gave us an instant adrenaline rush until we were told it was a drill.


To Oslo and Kristiansand

After a work meeting near Oslo, we headed for Kristiansand to visit some friends. Although our walks became a bit limited with a young puppy in tow, we enjoyed every moment of being with friends. It was a reminder that the joy of sharing moments with those you care about is priceless.


Grendi: A Hidden Gem

Our stay north of Grendi was a highlight of our journey so far. A secluded spot with space for a couple of carriages, surrounded by beautiful beaches and cliffs. We felt completely alone in the world and could have stayed there for a week. The sun shone, the rain fell and we enjoyed every second of our stay.

Núna was operated

Unfortunately, we had to take a trip to the vet, but everything went well and Núna is now back on top. Her corner baby teeth at the top would not come out by themselves, which is typical of her breed. After the operation, she enjoyed a well-deserved day of relaxation and pampering.

The journey continues and we look forward to seeing what the next few weeks bring. Every moment is a new experience and we enter it with an open mind and heart. See you with even more stories and adventures to share.

Rolling greetings,
Núna and Anja

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