Why do I travel alone? What are my travel dreams for the future? Read the answers below my timeline.

April 2019

Started as a self-employed graphic designer and photographer

With butterflies in my stomach, I jumped out as a freelancer, which I have not been before. And it feels much differently than getting your fixed salary every month.

April 2019

Looking for a motorhome

After quitting the idea of ​​a rebuilt overlander car, I went all-in on finding a motorhome that suited my needs.

4. May 2019

Bumle was bought

I found Bumle in Solrød in Zealand. Bought him and took him home the same day. He was kept secret for a month before I announced to everyone what my plans were.

4. may - 25. august 2019

Planned the trip

Then it had to be made ready. Bumble had to go to the workshop, get solar cells and install solid-gas, etc. Pictures had to be taken and a website had to be made. I had to learn a lot of things about starting as a self-employed with accounting, VAT and tax.

27. July 2019

Sold everything I would not have in Bumle

I chose to sell everything over a weekend at an open house/flea market. Many nice people came and bought my things. And I miss none of it.

25. august 2019

Bumble and I left

Finally, the day was here! I drove across the border, and my ‘work and travel’ adventure had begun.

August - December 2019

Our first trip

I started by driving down through Germany, where I took a few days to Slovakia and visited a Dane who had previously been a nomad. Then I drove to Austria. I took some trips to southern Germany, after which I took a week in Slovenia. Then back to Austria, where I have undoubtedly spent the most time. I again took some short trips to southern Germany. Then I drove towards Luxembourg when I had a meeting. Then I drove along the border to Germany and to France. I spent some time in Switzerland, where I met a Danish woman who has lived there for many years. Then I went for a week to Vallorcine / Chamonix, where I borrowed an apartment. Then I drove back a few days in Switzerland, then drove through Germany and home on Christmas vacation in Denmark.

January - Marts 2020

Spain in the winter – but then Covid-19 got in the way!

I visited a German photographer north of Frankfurt, after which the trip went to Switzerland, where I met the Danish woman again. Had a few days in Switzerland, and then drove to France with a short drive to in Annecy, and then I drove to Spain. I managed to enjoy Spain for a few weeks before Covid-19 arrived. My mother came to visit, but unfortunately, she had to fly home before time, and a few weeks later I, unfortunately, had to drive back to Denmark.

Marts - 2020


I rolled around Denmark for a season. I really enjoyed it because I saw more of Denmark in a relatively short time than I have seen before in my life. Because I have always travelled a lot.

September 2020

In Düsseldorf to look at new motorhomes

A four day trip to Düsseldorf. It was great to get out again. Afterwards, I could feel that it made me long for the days on the road.

10 days in Sverige - October 2020

I was longing

So I took 10 days in Skåne, Sweden, before Skåne also closed down. It was amazing. Among other things, I was in Söderåsen National Park, Kullaberg and Fyledalen, where I had a really fantastic weekend.

Island 3,5 months - May 2021

I was back in my loving Iceland

It was a dream to come back to Iceland. Even though I have been there many times, there were still things I would like to experience and see. Among other things, I wanted like hiking on a glacier and drone a lot. I got to drive the whole island around 2 times. Visited a lot and my mom came to visit for a week. But the top coolest thing about this trip was seeing the volcano erupt. So those were some cool months. However, 4 weeks before the trip ended, I fell and broke my ankle.

28. januar 2022

6 months in Easteuropa

I am currently on my first trip to the countries of Eastern Europe. You can read the blog post about my thoughts on this adventure HER

8. Marts 2022

Changed plans

The world changed, I changed my mind. The gut feeling said I should not continue my journey east while there was war. That’s why I drove to Spain. You can read more in detail HER

17th July 2022

The 6 month trip south is over

I ended up staying all my time in northern Spain. And I’ll definitely be back there one day. I was mostly in mountain areas but also slipped out to shore sometimes. I have landed in Denmark, where it stands at lectures, and fairs and meets a lot of people, as well as exciting tasks.

2. December 2022

The trip goes towards the southern sun

I left a bit later on the trip as I had to get the metal out of my ankle. But it went well and I drove to southern Spain for a week. There I met a lot of nice Danes who stayed almost permanently. I benefited from daytime temperatures of 16-22 degrees. I spent Christmas alone in Portugal and New Year in Seville. My little brother visited me. And time flew by. I had to drive home a little earlier as my grandmother had fallen asleep. But all in all, a wonderful ‘little’ trip back to the sun of the south, where I was forced home 3 years ago because of the corona.

29. April 2023

I will sail towards Iceland.
4.5 months on the beautiful island

I must return to my beloved island. I have a guided tour with people in motorhomes and a photography workshop at Grímsey. My photography friend Theis comes up by plane when I land on the ferry and we test drive the guided tour. My sister-in-law is going to visit me during the summer holidays. And then I will see my old host families and friends.

29. September 2023

Landed well in Denmark after a wonderful trip to Iceland

4.5 months flew by. The guided tour went absolutely fantastic with wonderful people and good weather. I got all that Iceland in, because I know it will be a long time before I get up there with a motorhome again, as I’m getting a dog at the start of the new year.
Now I am in Denmark, where I have photo assignments, graphic work and give lectures. I will spend Christmas this year with the family and will only travel on a mini trip right after Christmas. But more on that when I know the plan.

December 2023

On promotour

I went on a short trip to Norway in a Malibu, to take pictures and do a promo trip.

20. April 2024

Turen går nordpå

After some time in Denmark, where I got a puppy. Now the trip goes to Norway, Sweden and Finland. We will be gone for just over 4 months. And I am so looking forward to something more Nordic. After all, I love Iceland very much and am looking forward to seeing what the Nordic countries can give me on several levels 🙂

Future travel dreams

There are SO many places I want to go.
I’m betting on a lot of winter wonderland at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, when I drive the Malibu winter car, I will find snow and cold.

Why do I travel alone?

There are actually several reasons for this. I have no boyfriend, I enjoy having the freedom to do what I want. I can stop the car and work when it fits. I can stop and go for a walk and take photos whenever I want.