Last Sunday, I was out in nature, as I often am! But this time, I chose to only take my macro lens with me. A good challenge to give yourself!
I meet with Tina Sørensen in Egå, where we started the day with brunch and good photo stories. We then drove to Mossø by Alken. You could say, you can do macro photography everywhere, but we just wanted to go on a trip and if the surroundings are beautiful, then the creativity is often greater (I think)
When I have to do macro, I almost always only have the lens with me, so my focus is to see details and be close to nature. So I photographed with my Canon 5D3 + 100mm macro lens.
Sometimes I am on the same square meters for several hours. After an hour at Mossø, Tina and I were approx. 30 meters from Hugo Og had perhaps walked 8-10 meters along the water’s edge. You do not always need such large areas.
Now I want to show you some of the pictures I got taken and share my thoughts. Maybe I could inspire you to get up close to nature? ????
One of the first things I noticed was this dead flower. And when I make these types of pictures, the background is just as important as what I am photographing. By moving a few centimetres, the whole image can change markedly. I always set my lens to manual, set my aperture low and let my body “rock” back and forth, and doing a series of images (typically 4-6). Because when I work with such a small depth of field, it is not much I have to move before it is blurred again.
Something as boring dried branches with some seeds on can be great in the right angle, depth and light and provide you with some intriguing motifs. So keep your eyes open and try your hand at distance, aperture and shutter speed.
I found two branches with these amazing textures on them. I immediately felt that it was something I wanted to spend time on. So I go into immersion mode, which I love to be in.
The top picture on this blog post that Tina took of me, I am actually in the process of photographing one branch. I moved around on it, so I got different backgrounds and lights to work with. I think it looks like something that should be from under the water by the sea. And it fascinates me a lot.
When I’m out only with the macro lens, I can feel the brain working in a completely different way (just like when I was thrown out recently in street photography). I am looking for shapes, colours, shades, lights, details, etc. And important in this process is to be playful and dare to go really close!
When I started photographing macro a few years ago, I was too far away, so everything got way too sharp. I love this depth I get now by having a low aperture and getting close to photographing the subject.
While we were out playing, took Tina a series of pictures of me in nature. I’m simply SO happy with them because they really show me when I’m out with the camera. I enjoy nature and you can see I radiate. So thank you so much, Tina! You will see more to Tina in the nearest future ????
I hope if you are a photographer that I have inspired you to get closer to nature. And you got some tips on how.
If you are not a photographer, you have gained an insight into how I think while I mess around and get dirty out in nature.

It a good tip if you mess around on the ground, like me. It is these knee pads that I have inside my Fjällräven pants. You can also buy knee pads that can be put on the outside of your pants if you do not have the “holes” in the pants to place them as I do. After I got them, I didn’t get so blue, purple and orange on the knees and can wear a summer dress without the big questions.
We ended the afternoon with a cup of hot and a little sweet in Hugo. Tina took the picture of me in my long wool underpants and very relaxed, which just shows the cosy troll in me.
Thanks for stopping by to read and see my pictures – feel free to leave a comment if there are questions or you just have a few words you want to give me along the way ????
Rolling greetings
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