Ride the wave as they say, and I had the pleasure of photographing these surfers while enjoying the water?
I was sitting in Thyborøn recently and ate the delicious fish I had bought in the same town when I saw some surfers out on the waves. I felt instantly I just had to go out and try it.
So I grabbed my Canon 5D3 with my Canon 100-400mm and sat down there on the beach. It was fun but a short pleasure as they went up shortly after.
Then I knew that I had to go up to Klitmøller (Cold Hawaii) and continue my desire to try some more surf photography – from the beach.
Okay, ready… here comes surfer spam.
Click on the pictures to see them in large and get a better experience. ????
I had a wonderful day Friday in the fresh wind. Now the trip continues up in northern Jutland ????
Sometimes it’s about jumping into it. Like the time I got the idea to learn how to make star trails – you can read about that here
Greetings from
I ended up getting 1256 pictures and it was sort of hard. I was amazed at how many good ones there really were. But there were also some skilled surfers on the water ????

It was pretty cool what she was doing here. She went out on the tip of the board while the wave gave her a ride ????????????♀️ ?
I wanted a plastic housing for my camera so I could get in the water with it 🙂 It could be fun to try one day. But probably mega hard when I do not know about the waves and their ‘move’.
Sunset and surfing silhouettes
I was up in the car to clear cards and sort some pictures when I just pulled the curtain off. The sun was going down ???? I can not remember; I had run so fast before because I WANTED that picture. I had the image in my head of how it should be. It ended up being almost as I imagined, so I’m a BIG smile ???? It was definitely worth the run… in clogs. ????
Remember to click on the images to see the big version.
Jeg havde en skøn dag fredag i den friske vind. Nu forsætter turen op i det nord jyske 🙂
Nogle gange handler det om at springe ud i det. Ligesom den gang, hvor jeg fik ideen til at lære at lave star trails – Det kan du læse om her
Bumlende Hilsner
(The English translation is made by a Google Translate plugin. Sorry for any error translations)
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